


Chemical Name:Glycerol Monostearate 40-55, type I Manufacturer:IOI Oleo GmbH Packing Size:25 kg/hobbock Shelf time/Retesst:If stored longterm in original tightly closed containers, dry, protected from light and moisture and below 25°C, the shelf life then is at least three years. CDMF Status:

Shelf-life/Retest:If stored longterm in original tightly closed containers, dry, protected from light and moisture and below 25°C, the shelf life then is at least three years.


IMWITOR® 900 (F) P is broadly used in pharmaceutical preparations and acts as a coemulsifier, lubricant, plasticizer, dispersing adjuvant, embedding agent, binder or consistency regulator.

?2022Beijing Fengli Jingqiu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.