Oral Products
Tablets, dragees: Anti-sticking, polishing agents. Soft gelatine capsules: Chemically neutral. Low-viscosity carrier oil, absorption promoter. Drops: Carrier,solvent, and absorption promoter. Suspensions, syrups: Carrier and absorption promoter for antibiotics etc. Aerosol products: Carrier and solvent(nitroglycerine, etc.).
Dietetic products & neutraceuticals: Medium chain triglycerides(MCT) differ from natural fats(LCT). With regard o these essential properties: quick metalbolism, not stored as body fat. Physiological caloric value= 8,2kcal/g(34,3kJ/g) compared with LCT=9,2kcal/g(38,5kJ/g). Different absorption and metabolism properties: MCT are partially utilized if fat resportion disorders exist.
Topical theraputics
Psoriasis Treatment and Antiprucitics: Readily absorbent, scale-detaching and keratin softening oil component, particularly in combination with Vitamin A.
Dintments: Non-oxidizing, absorption-promoting, non-occlusive oil component with excellent spreadability.
Rectal products: Anti-nucleating and dispersing aid for active ingredients in Hard Fat(WITEPSOL) suppositories.
?2022Beijing Fengli Jingqiu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.